Heard The News Yet? 🤔

An increasing number of Africans now receive pay Cheque of 6, 7, or even 8 figures every single week!...

…and one of Nigeria’s most successful online entrepreneur reveals how you can get a spot on the pay list immediately!

And you can do this even if you:

Price increases to 50k soon. Get it now!

Dear Reader,

By next week, something interesting will be happening.
Thousand of  Africans(regular people like you from different walks of life…students, frustrated youths, unemployed graduates, stay-at-home mums, underpaid employees, and even those written off by family and friends)…

…will be getting paid in 6,7 or even 8 figures.

Some will be paid in Dollars and others in local currencies.

And the best part?

They get these ungodly figures every week right in their bank accounts…

And if you’re just getting to know about this, you will want to read till the end
because I will show you how you can begin to get paid like these Africans before it gets too late.

Too late?


If you are just getting to know about this you are very late.

Already Millions of people who learned about this earlier have started to milk the industry…

…and every day, people embrace this life-changing opportunity in their thousands.

So if you are yet to hear about it or get started, It is already late but not too late as I will show you how you can get in today and position yourself at the top.

Well I know you may be wondering what this Industry is and I will show you in a minute

but before I do, let me quickly prove to you that what I am saying is real.

See this…


Price increases to 50k soon. Get it now!

Now that you’ve seen real-life testimonials let’s talk about you and how you can begin to get those types of heavy alerts every single week.

Let’s be honest about this…

One of the reasons you are looking for an opportunity to make more money for yourself could be that…

just to earn very little amount of money that can’t afford you anything.

Maybe friends and family have written you off and abandoned you and you are seeking an opportunity to change your story and prove to yourself that you can amount to something.

Maybe you want to take better care of yourself and your loved ones and afford the lifestyle of your dreams…


Maybe you have a burning passion in your heart… you know you were made for more and want to do greater things with your life, change your story and that of your generation unborn for good and have a life you can be proud of and one your loved ones can be proud of too. 

Well, whatever your desires are, they are valid and you can accomplish them with what I am about to show you.

And I am 100% sure about this

because I have done the same with this exact same information I am about to share with you

My name is Joy Agbim

and I’m fortunate to be considered one of Nigeria’s Top female affiliate with over $128,571+ in online sales in less than 18 months and i have mentored over 2000 students who are doing well in this business.

I am one of the lives this business has changed for good.

Aside from making millions, i have also travelled the world

Qatar world cup 2022

Trip To Dubai

Trip to Egypt

Trip to Seychelles

Asides from traveling the world, i have been awarded with two cars as a top female affiliate in Nigeria

First Car Award

Second Car Award

But not only have I been able to change my lifestyle and fatten my bank account, but this business has also helped me gain access to people that matter in the industry…

Ronald Nzimora

Co founder nexus

Toyin Omotoso

Founder Expertnaire

You see, before I learned about this amazing opportunity in 2020, I used to work as a sales girl at Alaba international market.

At the time, my salary was just N15,000 and I relied on that money to get through school.

Before I finished my NYSC program, I decided to look for something to do on the side because the allowance was barely enough, and sadly, the only job I could get demanded me to stay under the sun every single day.

It was so stressful that I had to be on medications every two weeks.

My skin was constantly getting burnt due to constant exposure to the sun and I was frustrated…

It was so horrible and that explains why I desperately wanted to change my situation. 

So I began to search for a better opportunity that could pay me at least N100,000 consistently.

And that was when I discovered the amazing opportunity I will soon be sharing with you.

The beginning was difficult and I can’t sit here and tell you that I started making 7 figures immediately after I got in…

But with the right information, I was able to make my first sale in just 3 weeks of getting in.

It wasn’t a lot of money through

But you have to start somewhere right?

And I am 100% sure about this

I am making 10x N100,000 every week through this same amazing opportunity…

Not just that, but I can work from anywhere in the world and I have the freedom to live my life just the way I want it.

Plus I have also been able to train thousands of students, many of which are making close to $1000 monthly and have gone ahead to use what I taught them to change their lives as well…

Price increases to 50k soon. Get it now!

Right now if you’re wondering what this billion-dollar industry is…

I’d tell you…

I’m talking about the 

Affiliate Marketing Industry.

You see, to make money on the internet, you need to exchange value for money.

That is you need to sell something(either a product or service)

And as easy as that sounds, it takes a while to prepare a product or learn a skill you can offer as a service.

If you want to do that on your own, you will have to spend over a year learning a skill and getting good at it before you can work for clients and begin to earn some money…


You spend a lot of time and money preparing a digital product you can sell or source for physical products to sell.

But the truth is…

You could make a lot of money for yourself without going through all of that stress.

You could simply find someone who has a product, help them find customers that will buy their products, and earn a commission.

And that is what affiliate marketing is all about.

The best part?

These commissions could run into millions of Naira and even dollars if you know how to play the game well.

But that is just the easy part.

The difficult part is knowing what to do to make these sales and make them consistently.

And this is where a lot of newbies and even experienced affiliates struggle.

Some people get into the business and spend as much as 6 months – 1 year before they can make a single sale in this industry…

While some others are lucky enough to make a few sales here and there but lack the strategies they need to make these sales consistently.

The last thing you need right now is…

another overhyped course with thousands of modules that you don’t need.

I’m very sure you are tired of all the “emergency experts” who put together a bunch of crap you don’t need just to get your money.

You do not need another self-acclaimed expert who will just dump an overload of information on you and leave you to figure it out on your own.

Neither do you want to waste your money on courses that promise to cater to newbies only to get them and see that you can’t use any of the strategies as a newbie. 

And that is why I created 


This course is a detailed and comprehensive guide that can take anyone, even a total newbie from zero to 7-figures in the shortest time possible.

Every strategy in this course is easy to understand and implement. To help you determine if this is the right course for you…

Here’s a sneak peek into everything you’ll get in the AFFILIATE INCOME PILOT BLUEPRINT…

If you want to be great at any business, 3 core things you must work on are your mindset, how you think about money, and how to set achievable financial goals.

That is the first thing I’d be doing with you before we do any other thing because I believe that if you get these things right, every other thing will be easy.

You can’t succeed in a business you do not understand. 

So in this module, I’ll explain everything you need to know about this business model in the most simple way.

You will understand the dos and don’t of this business and everything it takes to succeed.

Whatsapp is obviously not a lead-generating website but it is an essential tool for affiliate marketing newbies because it is a cost-effective way to reach a large audience and it also allows for instant communication with potential customers making it easy to share links and track conversions.

I will show you how you can use WhatsApp to get quality leads for free every day and how to close them on the app.

If you must make sales as an affiliate marketer, one thing you must learn is how to get the attention of your potential customers and the only way to do that easily is by learning how to make beautiful designs for your products.

And because I know how important visuals are in marketing, I will show you how I make eye-catching designs that help grab attention.

If you want to improve your conversion rate and convert leads into customers faster, then you must learn to build high-converting landing pages for your business.

In this module, you will learn:

While I am showing you easy ways you can start making money with affiliate marketing as a newbie, I also want to make sure I give you everything you will need to scale or get faster results.

And one of those things is Paid Facebook ads.

You will learn how to generate quality leads through paid Facebook ads and how to convert them to buying customers.

If you are starting out without enough money to pour into ads, I will show you how to generate leads without paying for them.

If you want to automate your affiliate marketing business, one of the ways to do that is with email marketing. 

You just need to do the work once and it will keep generating money for you.

And so I will show you how to set it up, the best platforms to use and how you can make money with email marketing.

There’s more…

The bonuses I have loaded up for you are worth even more than the main offer.

Bonus #1: How To qualify for any sales challenge on any affiliate platform

Qualifying for sales challenges is one of the easiest and fastest ways to make more money for yourself and get to go on trips or win other gifts like cars.

And so far, I have been able to win 6 sales challenges and I will give you all the secret strategies I and my students have used to win these sales challenges. 

Bonus #2: How To Earn in dollars with affiliate marketing on warrior plus

One of the many reasons I love this business model is because you can earn in your local currency and a foreign currency as well.

And so if you have been looking for a way to make lots of money in dollars, you can do so with affiliate marketing and warrior place is the best platform for that.

I will show you everything you need to get started on warrior plus and make a lot of money for yourself.

Bonus #3: How to run ads with your smartphone

Who says you need a laptop to be able to run ads?

I will show you how you can easily run profitable ads with your smartphone.

Bonus #5: Access to support group + bi-weekly classes

Now I’m not about to dump all of these lessons on you and leave you to figure it out all by yourself.

So I also decided to give you access to my support community where you get to ask questions and have them answered, connect with other affiliate marketers and get all the support you need

You will also get access to the bi-weekly classes I will be holding just to help review your funnel, and show you what’s working and what is not just to make sure you win.

Price increases to 50k soon. Get it now!

Now I know you are probably wondering how much this course will cost…

…and in a minute I will show you and you will probably think I have lost my mind…

But first I want you to understand that getting a course alone is no guarantee that you will get success in this business.

Yes, It will give you all the information you will ever need to get started and scale your business but information alone will not give you the type of results you have seen on this page.

Implementation will.

And so if you’re not ready to put in the effort to learn and implement, then I don’t want you taking my course.

I don't want you in my community.

I am only interested in working with people who are ready to learn and implement what they have learned.

I only want to work with people who understand that nothing good comes easy and are willing to put in some level of sacrifice to get what they want

And so if you’re not that kind of person you may just exit the page at this point

But if otherwise, then I’m more than excited to work with you and on that basis, let’s talk about how you can get access to the AFFILIATE INCOME PILOT BLUEPRINT(AIP Blueprint)

If we are going to set a fair price for this

It shouldn’t be for anything less than


And even then…

It’d still be at a giveaway price

After all, in this program, you’d be getting everything that has helped some of my students get their first million…

And if you will commit to studying and implementing everything you will learn in this course, you can make more than that amount in a single week

So N500,000 will be a great price for that

But then I realize that not everyone interested in getting this product will be able to afford N500,000 

Plus I want to make this as affordable as possible for anyone interested in using this to change their life for the better 

That is why for now(until I decide to raise the price)

I’m making this opportunity available for you for just



N30,000 ✔️

And who knows, your first affiliate commission could be up to 30,000 which means you’d be able to recoup your investment.

And you can make more of that amount over and over again.

Price increases to 50k soon. Get it now!

“But what If I get this course and I am not satisfied?”

Well, I understand your fear and the risk you feel when you decide to invest in an online product especially when you have been burnt in the past with other crappy products.

I know you work so hard for your money and don’t want to waste it on something that you can get on Google or chatGPT in under 30 minutes.

But just as you can see,  I have put so much work into this course and I am super proud of what I have created I know that anyone who buys this product and implements the strategies hidden in this course will be 100% satisfied with their purchase.

The testimonials you have seen on this page alone are enough proof that what you’re about to purchase works…

This course is so valuable that I could easily charge N500,000 for this

Yet I have made it available at a very low price so that anyone who is interested can easily get it.

And that’s the best I can do. I have very strong confidence in what I teach and I’m sure that if you implement what you learn, you will get massive results.

Yes, I am sure I will impress you so much that you have no other option than to sing the praises of this program…

So now you see that you have nothing to lose by investing in the affiliate income pilot blueprint today.

It is either you use this course to change your life forever or you get your money back…

Either way, it is a win-win situation for you…

But what if it could change your life?

What if this is all you need to bring all your dreams to reality?

What if this is the only thing that would give you the lifestyle you have always wanted for yourself?

You would never know if you do not take that bold step and give this a try.



Joy Agbim,

Creator, The Affiliate Income Pilot Blueprint.

@2022 Joy Agbim All rights reserved